

Wasps can be red, black, brown even metallic blue. Some 250 varieties can be found in the U.S. They don't seek a fight, but become extremely hostile when protecting the nest.

Different species of wasps will exhibit different nesting behaviors. You have to know which species are solitary and which ones swarm in numbers. Mud daubers nest in tubes of dried mud. Paper wasps chew wood into a paper like pulp to create hanging nests on shady areas of your property. Hornets create tear-shaped nests on the sides of buildings or hanging from eaves or trees. Some wasps favor the undersides of wooden decks. Yellow jackets enter your property from cracks in your siding and gaps in your soffits. You can often locate a wasp nesting site by carefully watching individuals as they forage, then converge on the hive. But be careful - you may not be able to see the whole hive or the extent of the wasp infestation.