


Fleas are especially prevalent in the New Jersey area in the months of June through October, but they can persist indoors especially if there is a host for fleas to feed upon. Adult Fleas are insects that are a dark shinny brownish color, about 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch long, that are sort of flattened laterally, wingless, and with hard bodies that make them very difficult to crush. Fleas have only rear legs that are very large for its size. It allows the Flea to jump great distances for its tiny size. A Flea can travel anywhere from a distance from seven to thirteen inches in one jump. Fleas primarily feed by sucking the blood of animals with its specialized piercing mouthparts, which makes them parasitic insects and therefore harmful and disease carriers. Outdoors Fleas host on rats, mice, squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, foxes and other warm blooded animals. A flea lays about 20 eggs per day, in the out of doors in sandy soil. When the larvae mature they remain in a cocoon until they detect vibration or pressure and jump onto their new host. 

It is when Fleas invade the environment of people and pets are when the issue becomes more serious. Fleas are not only a nuisance to people and pets causing allergic dermatitis, resulting in secondary infections, and in some cases anemia. Fleas also carry Tapeworms that can infest dogs and cats and in some cases have appeared in young children. It is known that Fleas transmit diseases from rodents/rats. It was the Flea that was responsible for transmitting the Plague from rodent to rodent and then rodent to people that killed 10 million people in Europe in the Middle Ages and another 10 million in India in the 1890s. Although Fleas are considered by most as just a pest to Dogs and Cats, Fleas bite people as well and often. They are much more than an annoyance but can pose a serious health risk to people and pets.